24th October, 2022

"Do you think you know how to be safe online? Come and check out your digital literacy in a quiz on online security that the Portuguese Banking Association (APB) has prepared for you.

If you are one of those people who click on all kinds of links that you receive by email or SMS, if you don't know how to create a strong enough password or if you have received strange contacts through social networks and didn't even realise that it was an attempt at fraud, it's time to discover with us the precautions you should take to be safe online and avoid becoming a victim of fraud.

As part of the Financial Training Week, which this year runs from 24 to 31 October, the APB will promote an awareness campaign on social networks, for younger people, on the precautions to be taken when using the Internet or social networks, making purchases and payments online, or sharing their personal data in response to requests from third parties.

"Since October is also the European Cybersecurity Month, we believe this is an excellent opportunity to jointly promote financial and digital education," says Rita Machado, responsible for "Saber de Contas", APB's Financial Education project.

The “Do you know how to be safe online?” campaign will run from 24 to 28 October on Saber de Contas’ Facebook and Instagram and during this period a quiz exclusively about digital security will be available to play. To find out about this initiative just check out the Saber de Contas website.

This quiz will also be promoted in a face-to-face format, at the Fernando Namora School Grouping (AEFN), in Amadora, on 27 October, from 2.30pm, for 3rd cycle students. In addition to playing the game, students will also attend an enlightenment session on types of fraud and precautions to take online, which will be led by Vasco Monteiro, an APB legal and digital consultant.

The Financial Training Week is an annual initiative promoted by the financial supervisors (Bank of Portugal, Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority and Securities Market Commission) and by the partners of the National Financial Training Plan (PNFF), among which is the APB, with the aim of raising awareness to the importance of financial training.

Throughout this week, the 24 partners of the PNFF will promote about 480 activities aimed mostly at young people and students, but also addressing seniors, journalists, teachers, entrepreneurs, and unemployed people, among others (see programme).

Among the partners of the PNFF, this year the Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (Tax and Customs Authority) will provide new content on taxes and taxation on the Todos Contam portal.