
The Portuguese Banking Association (APB), together with the Banking Training Institute (IFB), and in partnership with Junior Achievement, once again joined the European Money Week (EMW), an initiative of the European Banking Federation that brings together banking associations from more than 30 countries. In 2017 the European Money Week was held from 27 to 31 March.

In this third edition, the four largest banks by weight in the Portuguese market - CGD, Millennium bcp, Novo Banco, and Santander Totta - joined the initiative: 20 students, in groups of five, had the opportunity to get to know the backstage of these institutions, in a tour that was partly led by the CEOs themselves, with and to whom they had the opportunity to talk and ask questions. Each group was composed of students from different schools, state and private, regular and vocational. All from the Lisbon region.

This initiative - which complemented the work developed during the year by the various financial associations and directly by many banks - aimed to draw attention to the importance of increasingly growing comprehensive financial education in Portugal and in Europe, raising awareness in the community about the relevance of adequate, informed and enlightened behaviours when making present and future financial choices.

EMW 2017 caught the attention of the media, with two extensive pieces having been made by TVI TV channel and Visão magazine.

Children and young people, the future consumers of banking products and services, are the main target audience of this European Money Week, based on the assumption that clients and banks alike will benefit from greater financial literacy. The banking associations of the various countries involved developed a wide range of activities during this week.